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ESTEEM is a Restorative self leadership journey crafted to support your healing.
When you heal the relationship you have with yourself you transform the relationships you have with others.
It is easy to get overwhelmed with responsibilities and obligations and forget to take care of yourself. Give Yourself the time you deserve.
Additional tools, like the ESTEEM Workbook, support the work you are doing on yourself and give you an outlet for deeper introspection.
Have you ever had a day when you felt like you didn’t have one ounce left? Where you felt like life finally got the best of you and won?
ESTEEM is a Restorative Journal, created to help you in these moments. To give you a healthy tool to use. It is also an outlet to express yourself, helping you release pain and negative experiences.
We say NO to difficult text that are weighted down with unpractical, intellectual based philosophies. This was written with you in mind.
You are busy. We know and respect that. That’s why this workbook is designed so that you can use it when you can.
Your mind and body pays dearly when you don’t give it self-care. Think of yourself as a flower. If it is not watered or given sunlight it will not thrive.
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Practical tips and information to help you identify and remove trauma that is preventing you from living your best life. This include:
Journaling is a proven powerful healer. But showing up to a blank page to write is not always easy. These prompts make it easy for you to journal.
MEDITATION has transformative powers. But meditation can also be intimating. Use these easy to follow instructions to go into meditation with little effort.
The BREATHE is how you connect to LIFE. Without it, there is no life. And so, it in no surprise that breathing exercises can be powerful activities for healing.
There is POWER in words. We have all had the experience of having a tough day and coming across an inspirational quote that just lifted your spirits.
SELF-CARE are acts of SELF-LOVE. And who couldn’t use more love? These exercises gentle supports you to SHOW UP for Yourself. You deserve it!
AWARENESS of how you are feeling emotionally is the starting point for transformations. You can’t change how you feel if you can’t qualify it.
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